Owning A Yorkshire Terrier: Exploring The Pros And Cons


All pets have their own share of pros and cons. Yorkies are great pets to bring to your home. To optimize your relationship with them, you need to understand all of their sides.

Let’s talk about their positive sides first. As seen on TV, you frequently see them being carried around by rich people. They are elegant pets to bring anywhere you like. They are tiny, so space doesn’t really matter when transporting them.

They shed very lightly, so they are perfect for those who have dog allergies. This also makes grooming a lot easier for them. Most of the time, they are friendly to other pets, and their liveliness is always contagious. They sure can brighten your day at home. Yorkies are also excellent watchdogs as they are alert for any presence of strangers. They bark almost endlessly once they see strangers.

And that continuous barking leads to the first con about them. At some point, the sound of their barking would be painful to the ears. Next to that, their small size also brings some disadvantages to them. They are physically delicate, so you need to monitor their physical condition all the time.

Yorkies also have the tendency to be nasty when you have not been able to socialize them enough. This character also develops when you try to baby or spoil them too much.

If you have any questions or concerns about your pet’s health and/or behavior,  don’t hesitate to contact your nearest veterinarians Aurora CO.

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